Medical Data Science Compulsories

ModuleTitleLV TypeCPLVDatesExamination
Ethische, rechtliche & gesellschaftliche Dimensionen von BMHI ProjektenEthical, Legal & Social Dimensions of BMHI-ProjectsFach-/Modulprüfung5450604
Ethical, Legal & Social Dimensions of BMHI-Projects (ELSD BMHI)Vorlesung457323
Ethical, Legal & Social Dimensions of BMHI-Projects (ELSD BMHI)Übung446686
Medizinsche Informationssysteme: Architektur und ManagementInformation Systems for Medical Care and Research: Architecture and ManagementFach-/Modulprüfung5451876
Information Systems for Medical Care and Research: Achitecture and Management (ISMCR AM)Vorlesung457777
Information Systems for Medical Care and Research: Architecture and Management (ISMCR AM)Übung449384
Statistik & Evidenzbasierte MedizinStatistics and Evidence Based MedicineFach-/Modulprüfung5450603
Statistics and Evidence Based Medicine (SEBM)Vorlesung449929
Statistics and Evidence Based Medicine (SEBM)Übung457157